This was one of the hottest days of the year and we really felt it! Lugging heavy gear around and setting up had us sweating intensely before even starting the gig, and I discovered singing in such temperatures complicates things for the old vocal chords no matter how much water is consumed! Black Park Chapel is a family run trust which hosts events of all sorts, and is just getting back into the swing of things after the last couple of covid/lockdown years. It was a relief tonight to have had Stuart doing the sound for us, and a pleasure to meet young photographer Ethan Gilbert, who nimbly snapped away as we played. The audience was very warm again with many interesting conversations had in the interval and afterwards. '...talking of the crossover with Coltrane, it reminds me of Love Supreme-... Hildegard's lyrics are of course prayers...'
Love Supreme is one of my favourite and most influential albums.
The most beautiful orange full moon hung in the night sky on our drive home across the border from Powys to Shropshire. What a great day.